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    :: ::   ::  ::  ::     .:  :.    ::    ::         :::.  :: ::       ::
    :::::   :::::   :::::  ::::::    ::    ::         ::'::.:: :::::    ::
    :: ::   ::  ::  ::     ::  ::    ::    ::         ::  '::: ::       ::
    ::  ::  :::::   ::     ::  ::    ::    :::::: ::  ::    :: ::       ::



By connecting to this network, you agree to our network policies and
rules stated at /rules.

If you do not agree with these policies, please disconnect now.


(Our Network)

:: Services ::
  Keyboard Failure network services are run on Anope 1.8
  Services included are:
   - NickServ
   - ChanServ
   - BotServ
   - MemoServ
   - HostServ

  For more information on our services type /msg HelpServ help

:: Servers ::
  Main servers in irc.kbfail.net round-robin:
    - moople.kbfail.net (Hub and Services)
    - asgard.kbfail.net (Backup Hub and Services)
  Trial/testing servers:
    None currently.

  Ports available on these servers for connect are 6660-6669, and 7000
  for normal connections. Ports for SSL connections are 6697 and 7001.

:: Channels ::
 Official Network Channels:
   - #Services      Official Help Channel
   - #dev           Network Development Channel
   - #KBFail        Special Events/Lobby Channel

 Channels of Interest:
   - #Megadoomer    Official channel of AXA (http://www.animalxing.com)
   - #ZFGC          Official channel of Zelda Fan Game Central (http://zfgc.com)

:: Network Staff ::

  Network Administration:  
    Max                 Network Administrator
    Vash                Network Administrator

  Services Administration:
    Ash                 Services Administrator
    thewhole9           Services Administrator

  IRC/Help Operators:
    cppchriscpp         IRC Operator
    JesseTyler          IRC Operator
    Rafa                IRC Operator

:: asgard Staff ::

  Server Administrators:

  Active Operators can be viewed with the /ircops command.

last modified on: Wednesday December 18, 2013